Rules of the organization of the activities of
1.1. is operated by YouGmedia B.V., company number 153269, with registered address at Dr. H. Fergusonweg 1, Curaçao, that is authorized by the Government of Curaçao to conduct gaming operations under auspices of License #365/JAZ (Sub-License Number: GLH-OCCHKTW0707032021 issued on July 7th 2021).
1.2. The minimum bet amount is determined by the Company. The maximum payout for one or more bets on the same event is* C$200,000 (two hundred thousand) for sports betting* C$15,000 (fifteen thousand) for Live betting.The Company determines the maximum bet amount per event and bet type.The Company reserves the right to limit the maximum winnings on a case-by-case basis for any customer up to C$500,000 (five hundred thousand) per calendar week.Special limits may be established for certain categories of games and bets. These are referred to in the respective chapters of these Rules.
1.3. The Company has the right to limit the maximum bet amount to selected events and limit or raise the maximum bet amount for a specific customer without notice or justification.
1.3.1. The Company has the right to restrict access to services to specific customers without notice or justification.
1.3.2. The Company has the right to deny access to services to specific customers without notice or justification.
1.4. Customer — a betting participant who is an individual of at least eighteen years of age, accepts these Rules, and has entered into this risk-based agreement on winnings with the Betting Organiser.
1.5. Agreement on Winnings — a risk-based accession agreement entered into between the Customer and Betting Organiser that determines the conditions for participating in betting and receiving winnings based on betting results.
1.6. Customer Account — an information resource that shows information about the Customer, the Bets/Interactive Bets sent by them, Game Coupons, winning payouts, and predictions, through which the Customer interacts with the Betting Organiser based on these Rules. Only the Customer has access to their Account, and authorisation is carried out by login and password.
1.7. Bet — funds transferred by the Customer to the Betting Organiser in cash or using payment cards to participate in betting in accordance with these Rules and serving as a condition for entering into an Agreement on Winnings. The funds are exchanged by the Betting Organiser for Game Coupons to be able to make Predictions on the outcomes of events during sports competitions ("Sporting Event") in accordance with the odds of Sports as offered by the Betting Organiser. In the event of an increase/decrease in the size of a Bet previously transferred by the betting participant, the size of the Bet is taken into account as the general cumulative total for the subsequent calculation of the amount of winnings in the Agreement on Winnings.
1.8. Interactive Bet — money, including electronic money, transferred using electronic payment means of payment by a single centre for accounting for the transfers of bets from betting companies and totalisers to the Betting Organiser on behalf of the Customer to participate in betting in accordance with these Rules and serving as a condition for entering into an Agreement on Winnings that is exchanged by the Betting Organiser for Game Coupons to be able to make Predictions on the outcomes of events during sports competitions in accordance with the odds of Sports as offered by the Betting Organiser. In this case, in the event of an increase/decrease in the size of the Interactive Bet transferred by the betting participant earlier, the size of the Bet is taken into account as the general cumulative total for the subsequent calculation of the amount of winnings in the Agreement on Winnings.The rules herein, in relation to Bets, extend to Interactive Bets if not otherwise specified within these Rules.
1.9. Sports — the list of sports competitions and events in them with unknown outcomes. The Betting Organiser provides the Customer with the opportunity to make Predictions regarding the possible outcomes of such events as part of the Agreement on Winnings and in accordance with these Rules.
1.10. Game Coupons — electronic exchange icons provided for circulation in the betting company by the Betting Organiser in accordance with these Rules and Agreement on Winnings. Game Coupons are not cash or other property, including property rights, and do not represent the right to directly demand the payment of funds from the Betting Organiser.
1.11. Odds – the number provided by the Betting Organiser in Sports by which the number of Game Coupons according to the Prediction for an event is multiplied if the Prediction is correct.
1.12. Prediction — a selection by the Customer of an event from the list offered by the Betting Organiser in Sports and its probable outcome. The number of Predictions is not limited in the same Agreement on Winnings, and the total number of Predictions is determined when betting ends.
1.13. Winnings — funds paid to the Customer upon completion of the Agreement on Winnings at the cash desk of the Betting Organiser's betting shop, or through a single centre for accounting for transfers of bets of bookmakers and totalisers, upon the confirmation of betting results as determined by these Rules.
1.14. Pre-match — a list of sporting events offered by the Betting Organiser and the events contained in them, regarding which it is unknown whether they will occur or not. The Betting Organiser accepts Predictions on the outcomes of these events before they begin.
1.15. Live — a list of sporting events and events contained in them, regarding which it is unknown whether they will occur or not. The Betting Organiser accepts Predictions on the outcomes of these events as they take place in real time based on the Agreement on Winnings.
1.16. Single — a type of Prediction consisting of only one event, the outcome of which must be specified correctly. The procedure for accepting and settling this type of Prediction is defined in Clause 3.3.1 of these Rules.
1.17. Accumulator — a type of Prediction consisting of two or more events, the outcomes of which must be specified correctly. The procedure for accepting and settling this type of Prediction is defined in Clauses 3.3.2–3.3.4 of these Rules.
1.18. A System bet is a full combination of accumulators of a given size from a pre-determined number of events. The procedure for accepting and settling this type of Prediction is defined in Clause 3.3.5 of these Rules.
2.1. When a Customer enters into an Agreement on Winnings, this signifies that the Customer has read these Rules and accepts the terms of organisation and conducting betting contained therein as established by the Betting Organiser. The Betting Organiser has the right to void the Agreement on Winnings both in full and in part, and cancel the results of Predictions made by the Customer under the Agreement on Winnings if they violate these Rules.
2.2. The Betting Organiser has the right, at its own discretion and without providing reasons, to refuse to register a Customer, enter into an Agreement on Winnings, and restrict the choice of Predictions.
2.3. If fraudulent actions are determined, as per the Agreement on Winnings related to Bets/Interactive Bets, withdrawing winnings, choosing Predictions, and using fake documents, the Betting Organiser has the right to stop such actions and contact law enforcement with a statement about the fraudulent actions committed.
2.4. The terms of the promotion may be amended at any time without specifying reasons and additional notifications.
2.5. In controversial situations that arise during the promotion, the final decision is made by the organizer of the gambling game.
2.6. The use of bonus money confirms the full agreement of the promotion participant with these rules.
2.7. The organizer of the gambling game has the right to refuse the participant in the promotion to accrue bonus money to the participant of the action, to suspend the participant from participation in any promotions of the company, to invalidate any actions of the participant, in respect of which the organizer of the gambling game has a suspicion that he knowingly exercises the rights to participate in the promotion or abuses them.
2.8. In case of discovering any violations of the promotion rules, the organizer of the gambling game has the right to prohibit the participant from receiving a bonus on the gaming or bonus account, cancel winnings obtained using bonus funds, and block the participant's account in the promotion.
2.9. All disputes and disagreements that may arise between the Customer and Betting Organiser shall be resolved through the established complaint procedure.Any Customer claims regarding disputes are accepted within 10 (ten) calendar days after the end of the event that the Prediction was made about. The Claim must include documents confirming the validity of the request. The Betting Organiser makes the final decision on all disputed situations. The period for reviewing a claim is 30 (thirty) calendar days from the moment it is received. The process described in this section for the Customer to contact the Betting Organiser to make a claim is mandatory (pre-court dispute resolution).
2.10. These Rules come into force from the date of their approval and apply to all Agreements on Winnings entered into from this date and all actions performed by Customers under such Agreements on Winning, regardless of whether Customers are aware of the entry into force of this version of the Rules or not. All previous Rules are considered void.
2.11. The English language version of these Rules, which is posted on the Betting Organiser's website, is considered to be legally binding and takes priority over all other versions, redactions and translations of these Rules. The Customer, as well as other persons, cannot justify the emergence of any rights and obligations for them based on versions of these Rules that have become invalid. In the event of any dispute arising which concerns the content or interpretation of these Rules, as well as in any case where discrepancies or inconsistencies between the English-language version and any other version of these Rules are found, the English-language text prevails and cannot be contested.
3.1. The Customer, using Game Coupons, makes their Predictions regarding the outcomes of events as part of the Agreement on Winnings entered into on the terms and using the odds provided by the Betting Organiser in Sports.The odds presented in Sports may change after the Customer makes a Prediction, but the odds for Predictions made earlier by Customers are not subject to change. Before making a Prediction, Customers are advised to read all the information in Sports.
3.2. Predictions made by the Customer as part of the Agreement on Winnings and accepted by the Betting Organiser are not subject to cancellation or change unilaterally by the Customer.
3.3. There are three Prediction types: Single, Accumulator and System.
3.3.1. In the event of a positive outcome of a Single Prediction, the number of Game Coupons used for the Prediction is multiplied by the odds of the event.
3.3.2. An Accumulator can have a maximum of 30 events. If the outcome of at least one event in the Accumulator is predicted incorrectly by the Customer, the entire Accumulator bet is considered lost. With Accumulator Predictions, combinations of several sporting events can be included. Accumulator odds are calculated by multiplying the odds of all the events in the Accumulator. In the event of a positive outcome of a Accumulator Prediction, the number of Game Coupons used for the Prediction is multiplied by the odds of the Accumulator. There are no restrictions to the size of odds.
3.3.3. If the Accumulator consists of at least 6 events, the odds for each Prediction of which are not lower than 1.60, then the following preferential condition ("Accumulator Insurance") applies: if one of the event selections is incorrect, the Prediction is pushed (settled with odds of 1.00). If two or more event selections in the Accumulator are incorrect, the Prediction is considered lost and Accumulator Insurance is not applied.If, in accordance with these Rules, one of the event outcomes included in the Accumulator is pushed, then Accumulator Insurance is not applied. Accumulator Insurance is not applied to Accumulators included in Systems. If one or several events in the Accumulator were cancelled, but no less than four event selections were predicted correctly, Accumulator Insurance will apply.
3.3.4. If the Accumulator includes two or more related contingencies (for example, a Prediction on a team winning a match and going to the next stage), then for settlement purposes, only the event with the highest odds is taken into account, and the remaining events are settled with the odds of 1.00. Events included in Combo are not considered to be related contingencies.
3.3.5. A System can have a maximum of 16 events. Accumulators included in Systems are settled in accordance with the rules for settling Accumulators.
3.4. The Betting Organiser has the right to restrict the maximum net winning by a single Customer as part of an Agreement on Winnings for bets placed in a single calendar week based on GMT-4 to the amount of C$500,000 (five hundred thousand).
3.5. The Betting Organiser has the right to limit the maximum number of Game Coupons for Predictions for individual events, as well as limit or increase the maximum number of Game Coupons for Predictions for a particular Customer without notice or an explanation of reasons.The Betting Organiser reserves the right to limit or refuse a specific Customer access to services offered without explanation.
3.6. Predictions in Pre-match can be made until the start of the event. If a Prediction is made after the actual start of the event, such Prediction is cancelled.Predictions in Live are made during an event until the end of the event. Predictions in Live are avoided if they are:- made on an event at the time it occurs;- made on an event after it is over;- made on an event, the result of which was known to the Customer;- made on a participant (team) after they acquired a significant advantage (for example, a score change, removal, etc.).
3.7. The Betting Organiser reserves the right to cancel the result of a Live Prediction made under an Agreement on Winnings if the Betting Organiser suspects that the Customer at the time of making such Prediction had information about the outcome of the event or events for which the Prediction was made. The Betting Organiser is not obliged to prove the reason for such suspicions to Customers.
3.8. If during the process of choosing a Prediction in the Live section the Customer agrees with a change in its odds or parameters (handicap, total, etc.), then the Prediction will be considered selected, even if the score of the event changes by the time the selected Prediction is registered by the Betting Organiser.
3.9. The Prediction Rejection option. The Customer, with the consent of the Betting Organiser, may return Game Coupons in part by refusing the Prediction they already made under the conditions offered by the Betting Organiser.
3.9.1. The terms and conditions of a Prediction Rejection may change depending on fluctuations in the odds in Sports, as well as when the outcome results of individual events included in the Prediction are determined. The Customer can set a restriction mechanism that will be applied if the conditions of the Prediction Rejection option change at the moment of rejection. A detailed description of the Prediction Rejection option is available at
3.9.2. The option applies to Single and Accumulator Predictions. The choice of events and types of Predictions for which the Prediction Rejection option is permitted is at the discretion of the Betting Organiser. The Betting Organiser does not guarantee that every Prediction made can be refused. The availability of the Prediction Rejection option can be checked after the Prediction is registered by the Betting Organiser.
3.9.3. The Prediction Rejection option is unavailable if:- all events included in the Prediction have been completed and/or the Prediction has been settled;- the Customer has already rejected the Prediction;- during the refusal process, the conditions of the Prediction Refusal option change, and the restriction mechanism established by the Customer in accordance with Clause 3.9.1 of these Rules prohibits refusal;- Prediction Refusal is prohibited by decision of the Betting Organiser.
3.9.4. If the settlement of the Prediction by events for one or more predictions in the Prediction was cancelled for reasons described in these Rules, the Prediction Refusal is also subject to cancellation, and the Game Coupons for refusing such Prediction are credited.
3.9.5. The Betting Organiser shall not be held responsible if the Prediction Refusal option is not available for technical or other reasons. The Betting Organiser reserves the right to not offer this option for all or several events, and for all or several Customers, without explanation or individual notification.In all such cases, accepted Predictions shall be settled in the standard manner.
3.9.6. Failing to understand the conditions of the Prediction Refusal option, or incorrectly using the settings mechanism for this option, is not a basis for cancelling the result of any actions taken by the Customer in relation to this option.
3.10. One - click Prediction (in mobile apps: One-tap Prediction). One-click Prediction is an option that the Betting Organiser offers to Customers who want to make Predictions quickly. The number of Game Coupons for accepting Predictions is configured in the settings. By selecting odds in Sports with the option "Don't ask for confirmation to accept One-click Predictions" enabled, the Customer automatically receives confirmation of the acceptance of their Prediction. Lack of knowledge or understanding of this option or using it accidentally is not a basis for cancelling a Prediction.
3.11. Free Bet option. A Free Bet is a free Prediction that the Customer can make from time to time by the decision of the Betting Organiser. Free bets can only be used to select a Single or Accumulator Prediction. When selecting a Prediction with a Free Bet, the Customer's Game Coupons are not credited.In the event of a positive result, the Customer receives Game Coupons in the amount calculated in accordance with Clauses 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 of these Rules, minus the Free Bet amount.In other cases (a negative result, push, or cancellation of the event), there are no changes, and the Free Bet is considered used.
3.11.1. Free Bet wagering. Wagering is a condition that must be met to receive a Free Bet for certain promotions.The conditions for obtaining and wagering Free Bets, as well as additional requirements that the Customer must perform to receive Free Bets are governed by the terms and conditions of Free Bet promotions.
3.11.2. The general rules for accepting and settling Predictions apply to Free Bets. If these rules are not followed when making a Prediction with a Free Bet, this Free Bet will be voided.
3.11.3. Misuse of Free Bets. If the Betting Organiser discovers that a Customer is abusing free bets, the Betting Organiser reserves the right to void this Customer's Free Bets as well as any winnings from Predictions with Free Bets, and to refuse their future participation in any subsequent promotions.
3.11.4. If the Betting Organiser suspects that the Free Bet rules have been violated, it reserves the right to withhold withdrawals for seven working days while it conducts an investigation.
3.12. The result of the Prediction is subject to settlement in accordance with these Rules.
3.13. The final result of the Customer's betting, determined in accordance with these Rules and the terms of the Agreement on Winnings, is settled based on the results of an unlimited number of Predictions made by them by the time the Agreement on Winnings is completed.
3.14. Withdrawal of winnings in funds to Customers from which Bets were taken (with the exception of Interactive Bets):
3.14.1. Takes place at the Betting Organiser's betting cashier when the Customer provides an identification document and their betting card.
3.14.2. Is carried out both at the betting shop of the Betting Organiser where the Prediction was accepted, and at other betting shops of the Betting Organiser.
3.15. Winnings are considered received at the time of the transfer of funds to the Customer confirmed by the issuance of a cash receipt.
3.16. Withdrawal of winnings to Customers from which Interactive Bets have been placed:
3.16.1. This is carried out by increasing the balance of electronic money on the electronic means of payment of the Customer.
3.16.2. Carried out at the request of the Customer as a general rule within 3 (three) working days from the date of receipt by the Betting Organiser of a withdrawal of winnings request placed in the Requests subsection of the Customer's Account, but no later than the deadlines and in the manner specified in Clauses 3.18 and 3.19 of these Rules. In the text of the request, the Customer must fill out all the mandatory fields, indicate their surname, name, middle name(s) and recipient bank details, along with the total winnings to be paid out.The Betting Organiser reserves the right to request documents from the Customer to confirm their registration data and delay the withdrawal of winnings until the registration data are confirmed.
3.16.3. The number of requests to receive winnings per day cannot exceed three. The Betting Organiser can decide to increase the number of withdrawals.
3.16.4. The fee for paying out winnings is taken if the number of payout requests for winnings exceeds the number set in paragraph 3.16.3 of these Rules, and in other cases at the discretion of the Betting Organiser. The value of the limits and amount of the fee is indicated in the description of payment methods on the Payments page.
3.16.5. Winnings are considered received when the operation for the payment (transfer) of funds based on the withdrawal request is confirmed by sending a receipt to the Customer.
3.17. The Betting Organiser reserves the right to unilaterally make decisions about the withdrawal of winnings by transferring funds to the Customer's bank account and notifying the Customer about it. In such case, the Customer shall provide the Betting Organiser with the documents necessary for completing the payment, in particular:* Passport* National ID* Driver LicenseFor individuals who are not citizens of the Canada, also:* migration card (if Canadian law requires a migration card);* a document confirming the right of the foreign citizen or individual without citizenship to reside (live) in the Canada (if Canadian law requires such a document);* a document indicating the address.
3.17.1. The Betting Organiser is entitled, at its own discretion, to determine the payout limits (minimum and maximum) for each individual withdrawal request made by a Customer, to each individual Customer without prior notification of the Customer nor explanation of the reasons as to why such a limit was set.
4.1. The date and time of the start of an event indicated in Sports are for information purposes. An incorrectly displayed date, time, or additional information (tournament status or stage, score of first match, etc.) shall not serve as grounds for cancelling a Prediction.If the event took place earlier or later than the announced date, then Predictions on such an event are settled according to the standard procedure as if they were accepted before the actual start of the event.If the start of an event is delayed by 3 (three) or more days, the Prediction is subject to return.If the start of an event is delayed by less than 3 (three) days, the Betting Organiser may decide to cancel the Prediction before the end of the event and inform the Customer of this in the official results of the Betting Organiser. If an NBA, NHL, MLB, or NFL game is not played or not completed on the scheduled day, Game Coupons used for such Prediction shall be returned the next day, except when the event date was incorrectly provided.
4.2. In the list of Events, the first team shown is the home team. This information is for reference purposes only and cannot be a basis for cancelling a Prediction. The following cannot be grounds for cancelling a Prediction:- the event is transferred to a neutral venue (the Betting Organiser is not obliged to inform customers of such changes);- changes to the format of exhibition (off-season) games.If the location is displayed in the name of the sporting event shown in the Sports section of the website, and the exhibition status of the match is also shown (exhibition (between seasons) matches, exhibition tournament, etc.), the athlete or home team is permitted to not be listed first.
4.3. Interrupted Events
4.3.1. An event is considered to have been held if it was interrupted but played for a certain portion of the full time as regulated by the rules or a certain number of points were scored. For a Prediction on entire matches, this is:- football — 65 minutes (for non-standard matches, 70% of match time);- basketball — 35 minutes for the NBA (and other tournaments with 48-minute matches), and 28 minutes for tournaments with 40-minute matches;- hockey — 45 minutes;- field hockey — 60 minutes;- American football — 50 minutes;- baseball — 5 innings;- 3x3 basketball — no less than 70% of game time, or if at least one team scores at least 16 points;- other sports — no less than 70% of match time.An exception is made in those cases when the score is tied when the match is cut short in sports where the rules do not allow for a draw (basketball, baseball, American football, etc.). In such cases, the event is considered void.If the event is declared invalid, then the Game Coupons of the Prediction accepted on the win are subject to push. If the event is declared complete, Qualify Predictions are settled based on the actual score when the game stopped, or are pushed in the event of an equal score.If an event sponsored by an international athletic organisation (for example, FIFA or UEFA) is stopped and replay information is announced in a timely manner (up to 30 (thirty) hours), the Betting Organiser has the right to settle all Predictions based on current match results.Predictions on separate parts of a match (a quarter in basketball, halves in football, periods in hockey, etc.), which have been interrupted, are settled if they were played for at least 70% of their playing time as set out by the rules for that part of the match. The calculation of actual game time takes into account only fully played minutes and is rounded down.For example:Stoppage time in an ice hockey match is 13 minutes 20 seconds. In this case, 13 minutes were played, or 65% of the duration of a period in ice hockey. This is less than the required 70% of regular game time for the period, thus, Predictions on this period shall be returned.
4.3.2. An interrupted event which does not fall under the definition of a completed event shall be declared incomplete, if it is not played to the end within 3 (three) hours.
4.3.3. Predictions made on events declared not to have been held are subject to cancellation, except for Predictions made on events, the results of which had been determined unambiguously when the event stopped ("who will score the 1st goal", "will there be a yellow card", total over, etc.). In the case of interrupted events, Predictions made on the relative performance of halves (periods, etc.) are subject to cancellation.
4.3.4. Predictions made on events which were interrupted but still recognised as valid are settled according to the regular procedure. Game Coupons for Predictions made on an interrupted match (game, competition, etc.) where the countdown to the draw had not started (for example, a goal between minute 76 and 90 if the match was interrupted in the 70th minute) are subject to push. Predictions made on events that have begun but not finished (for example, will there be a goal in the interval between minute 61 and 75, if the match is interrupted in the 70th minute) are settled as held.
4.3.5. Additional conditions for the settlement of Predictions are possible for individual sports if they are indicated in the corresponding sections of these Rules.
4.4. If an initial score for a completed event is later cancelled (changed) for any reason, the cancellation (changed) is not taken into account and the Predictions are settled in accordance with the initial (actual) score. The actual result is the result announced on the basis of information sources immediately after the end of the event. A list of sources of information is available on the Betting Organiser's website. Predictions on statistics are settled according to the specialised sources of sports statistics indicated on the Betting Organiser's website, as well as the stream and information from the company's representative at the match. The Betting Organiser chooses the source of information independently from among the sources indicated on the Betting Organiser's website, on the basis of which the result of the event is determined (Customer demands to use a different source of information, including information sources indicated on the Betting Organiser's website, are not considered). Sources of information for the purpose of determining the outcome of an event listed in Clauses 14.5.1, 14.5.3 and 14.5.5 of these Rules are contained in these Clauses.The Betting Organiser has the right to cite information about the source of information (specialised source of sports statistics) based on which the result of the event was determined, as well as the result of the event, by taking a screenshot of the screen on which the event is monitored, with the obligatory indication of the date and the time of the screenshot.The Customer has the right to request from the Organiser information about the name of the information source (specialised source of sports statistics), based on which the result of the event was determined, as well as information about the result of the event, by sending a request in My Account or in writing to the address of the Betting Organiser with an indication of the event on which the Prediction was made.After receiving the Customer request, the Betting Organiser sends to the Customer, in the same way as in which the request was received, information about the source of information (specialised source of sports statistics), based on which the result of the event was determined, as well as information from the source of information about the event result (if this request is included in the Customer's request) within 30 (thirty) calendar days. The source used by the Betting Organiser to determine the result of the event takes precedence over other information provided by the Customer. If there are no results of the event in the information sources indicated on the Betting Organiser's website, or in specialised sources of sports statistics, the Betting Organiser has the right to use alternative sources of information, including information from its own representative at the match. If in Sports the source is clearly indicated in the title of the sporting event (for example, the streaming source), then this is considered a priority when determining the result. If an event is interrupted and played again from the start on the next day, the initial match is considered an interrupted event for Prediction settlement purposes and re-settled according to Clause 4.3.
4.5. The Betting Organiser has the right to annul (cancel) the result of the Prediction in the following cases, but not limited to:
4.5.1. In the event of errors by personnel or software failure (obvious misprints in odds, discrepancy between odds in different positions, etc.) without the right of recalculation.
4.5.2. If the Betting Organiser is affected by one or several of the conditions listed below:1) suspicions that there are unsportsmanlike elements in the sporting competition;2) information from international organisations, sports subjects, other betting companies, and open sources, including the media, related to suspicions that there are unsportsmanlike elements in the sporting competition;3) suspicions that Customers are acting maliciously in accordance with a secret agreement between themselves and/or any individual(s);4) if newly registered Customers and/or Customers who made a Prediction for the first time (in total from 3 people) made Predictions for the same outcome(s) of the event, if the number of Game Coupons for such Predictions in total exceeds 100,000;5) atypical activity of Customers (in total from 3 people) associated with a large difference in the number of Game Coupons in selected Predictions compared to previous selections (from 100,000 Game Coupons) for the same outcome(s) of a sporting event for which Customers have not previously made Predictions;6) the Customer's ability to influence the result of a sports competition because the Customer is an affiliate of the organiser of a sports competition or acted on behalf of (had information) from an athlete, agent, coach, referee, team leader and other participants in the event for which the Prediction was selected.
4.5.3. If it is confirmed that a Customer is playing with someone else's personal betting card or there are suspicions about granting access to a Customer's Account to any third parties, as well as performing any actions in the Account following the advice of third parties. It is prohibited to transfer information (login, password) to third parties so they gain access to and can use your Account (including in the presence of the owner of the betting card).
4.5.4. If repeated registration is confirmed with the use of another person's personal data or ID, including if it is invalid and/or fraudulent.
4.5.5. In any situations involving any other violations of these Rules.The Betting Organiser is not obliged to provide Customers with evidence of the occurrence of circumstances provided for in Subclauses 4.5.1–4.5.5 of these Rules serving as the basis for recognising the result of the Prediction as annulled (cancelled). Declaring a Prediction annulled (cancelled) forms an unconditional basis for settling a bet, in accordance with Clause 4.6 of these Rules.
4.6. If the result of the Prediction is annulled (cancelled), the Game Coupons of such Prediction are pushed, and if the Prediction is included in an Accumulator or System, then the odds for settling such Prediction are 1.00. In the event of the absence for more than 2 (two) days of reliable information about match results, the Betting Organiser has the right to push the Game Coupons of Predictions made on such an event.
4.7. If the results of Predictions chosen by the Customer as part of the Agreement on Winnings are recognised as annulled (cancelled) in accordance with the terms of these Rules, then the result of the Agreement on Winnings in this case is determined by the Betting Organiser taking into account the provisions of Clause 4.6 of these Rules.
4.8. All current scores, match time, and other additional information displayed on the Betting Organiser's monitors and website serve only as reference information. The Betting Organiser strives to ensure that this information is accurate, but it bears no responsibility for the consequences of Predictions made based on this or similar information. When checking the correctness of Prediction settlement, including Predictions made in the Live section, the Customer is advised to contact the Betting Organiser with a corresponding request in the manner specified in Clause 4.4 of these Rules.
4.9. The simultaneous selection of Predictions, as well as Predictions which bypass the established Prediction limits, on the same selection from a group of persons (a betting syndicate, etc.) is prohibited. It is prohibited to re-select Predictions on the same combination of selections in cases where the total potential withdrawal payout exceeds the maximum established withdrawal payout. The Betting Organiser has the right to annul (cancel) such Predictions.
4.10. Any change in the score and other parameters of a match by an official referee decision (for example, ruling out a goal due to offside, after a video review, cancelling or revising a point in tennis, volleyball, etc.) or the mutual agreement of the participants (for example, teams agreeing to play with an equal number of players after a removal, etc.) is not grounds for annulling (cancelling) a Prediction.
4.11. In the event of a change to the online text stream of the scorer or assistant, all Predictions selected from the moment that the goal is scored until adjustment of the statistic in Live (Prediction with an incorrect score) are subject to cancellation. In the event of a change of the scorer or assistant after the technical end of the match, Predictions are settled on the basis of Clause 4.4 of these Rules.
4.12. In disputed situations without precedent, all final decisions shall be made by the Betting Organiser.
4.13. If technical difficulties arise, the Betting Organiser reserves the right to settle the Prediction with odds of 1.00.
4.14. Sources of results when settling Predictions are provided on the "Sources of information when checking results" page on the Betting Organiser's website.
5.1. Predictions on the actual outcome. Predictions can be made on matches without taking into account the handicap if the corresponding odds are indicated (in the first position — a win by the first team ("1"), in the second position — odds for a tied game ("X"), in the third position—odds of the second team winning ("2"). Predictions can also be made on the first team not losing ("1X"), the second team not losing ("X2"), and on the match not ending in a draw ("12").
5.2. Predictions on each team winning the match with handicap taken into account. The handicap is determined by the Betting Organiser and may be positive, negative or equal to zero. To determine the result of the Prediction for actual goals scored by the team on which the Prediction is made, the handicap is subtracted (if the handicap is negative) or added (if positive) for the selected team (the handicap for the second team is not taken into account). If the result of the match is favourable to the selected team, the Prediction is considered won.If the draw is predicted correctly, the Game Coupons of the Prediction are subject to push.For example, if the first team has a negative handicap of -1, and the match ends:a) with a score of 0:0, the Prediction is lost;b) with a score of 1:0, then the Game Coupons of the Prediction are subject to push;c) with a score of 2:0, the Prediction is won.If there is a positive handicap of +0.5 and the match ends:a) with a score of 0:1, the Prediction is lost;b) with a score of 0:0 or 1:0, the Prediction is won.
5.3. Asian handicap PredictionThis is a type of handicap Prediction. Asian handicaps are handicaps where whole numbers can be quartered (1.25, 1.75, 2.25, etc.).When settling Predictions with an Asian Handicap, the Prediction is conditionally divided into two equal parts in terms of the number of Game Coupons.Example 1:Predictions made on a team with a handicap of -1.25. Half of the number of Game Coupons of the Prediction will be placed with handicap odds of -1, and the other half on handicap odds of -1.5.If the team wins with a difference of more than 2 goals, both parts of the Prediction win.If the team wins with a difference of 1 goal, half the Prediction loses, and the other half of the Game Coupons of the Prediction is subject to push.Example 2:Predictions made on a team with a handicap of -1.75. Half of the number of Game Coupons of the Prediction will be placed with handicap odds of -1.5, and the other half on handicap odds of -2.0. If the team wins with a difference of more than 2 goals, half the Prediction wins (-1.5), and the other half of the Game Coupons of the Prediction (-2.0) are subject to push. If the team wins with a difference of 1 goal, half the Prediction loses, and the other half loses.If a Prediction with an Asian handicap is included in an Accumulator or System bet, then during the settlement of such Prediction, the odds used are the same as if the Prediction were settled as a Single.- If both halves of an Asian handicap Prediction win, the Prediction is settled with odds (K).- If one half of the Asian handicap Prediction wins and the Game Coupons for the other are pushed, the odds (K+1)/2 are used when settling the Prediction.- If one half of the Prediction loses and the Game Coupons of the other are pushed, then odds of 0.5 are used with Accumulators.- If both halves lose, the entire Prediction is considered lost.
5.4. Prediction on the total number of goals or points in a match ("Higher - Lower"). The number of goals is called the Total and is determined by the Betting Organiser. If the Total is predicted correctly, the Game Coupons of the Prediction are pushed.
5.5. A Prediction on a win in competitions or promotion to the next round of tournaments. If a declared participant in a competition is unable to begin the competition for any reason, the Game Coupons of the Prediction on that participant shall be pushed. If two or more participants share a win in the competition, the winnings for each of them are settled based on odds determined using the formula К=(Kod - 1) ∕ n + 1, where Kod is the result odds for the participant and N is the number of winners in the competition.
5.6. Predictions placed on a specific match score and "Half Time/Full Time". In Time-Match Predictions, Bet Participants must simultaneously predict selections on the first half and the final scores when placing the bet. In the Pre-match section of the website, these outcomes are indicated by the following letters:- 'W' – win;- 'D' – draw.The first place is the selection of the 1st half, and the second is the match. The outcome of the second half has no significance for the settlement of this Prediction. For example, if the match ends with a score of 1:1, but the first period ended on 1:0, then the outcome "W1D" wins.
5.7. Predictions on the statistics of a round or game day. If at least one match in the round is declared not to have been held in accordance with Clause 4.3 of these Rules or was cancelled in accordance with Clause 4.1 of these Rules, then the Game Coupons of Predictions on game day statistics are pushed, except for bets where results are determined unambiguously (for example, "will there be a draw 0:0", "all teams will score", etc.). The Betting Organiser reserves the right to cancel accepted Predictions on round or game day statistics, if reliable information arises on the cancellation of one of the matches before the round begins, about which Customers will be informed in the Betting Organiser's official results. In order to calculate the metrics on the first day of tennis matches, a player who does not finish a match (for any reason) is considered the loser of all other sets and games. Home teams and players are defined by being the team or player indicated first in the event listing.
5.8. Predictions on an odd or even total number of goals or points in a match. A score of 0:0 is counted as even.
5.9. Predictions on individual metrics or player (participant) comparisons. If a player does not enter play (does not participate), then the Game Coupons of Predictions made on events that involve this player are pushed. For participants who have started, but not finished an event, metrics are calculated based on the actual result at the moment they are removed (leave), and for the purposes of calculation, such players are given the last position in the final protocol. Predictions on hat-tricks are considered won if the player scores 3 (three) or more goals. Predictions on doubles are considered won if the player scores 2 (two) or more goals. In Predictions on player metrics, own goals by the player are not counted. In Predictions related to team performance, goals scored by a team in their own goal are not counted in their statistics. The Predictions settlement process for bets on player metrics in football is set forth in Clause 6.4 of these Rules. The order of bet settlement for Predictions on player metrics in tennis are described in Clause 10.3 of the Rules. In non-game sport types (track and field, etc.) and H2H type contests, if the participant (for relay races, the team) has started but not finished, then Predictions on them in comparison to other participants are lost. If both participants cover an equal distance or one participant did not start, the Prediction Game Coupons are pushed.
5.10. Predictions on the outcome of halves, periods, quarters, etc. If an event is declared unfinished, but the first half (period, quarter, etc.) has ended, then Predictions on the first half are settled as usual, even if the Game Coupons of Predictions made on the event as a whole are pushed.
5.11. Predictions on the time when an event occurs, the Total of minutes, for instance, the time of the first goal, the time of the first yellow card, the time when one of the teams takes the lead, time when scores are evened, the sum of goal minutes being less than the Total, etc.The ordinal minute in which the event occurs must be predicted.The exact time for settling such Predictions is determined without considering seconds. For example, the time of the 1st goal, if the 1st goal is scored when the following amount of match time has elapsed:- 00 minutes 10 seconds – "1st minute";- 04 minutes 10 seconds – "5th minute";- 04 minutes 59 seconds – "5th minute";- 05 minutes 00 seconds – "6th minute".Predictions on the minimum or maximum time interval before a goal in the match being less than the Total.The time interval before a goal is the time from the start of the match until the first goal, between goals, and from the last goal until the end of the match (excluding injury time). If a match ends with no goals scored, then it will be assumed that this match contained 1 time interval before a goal equal to the match duration.For example:If the first goal is scored at 11:01 and the second goal is scored at 15:59, then in this case the time interval before a goal will amount to 3 minutes (the 13th, 14th and 15th minutes). Only full minutes are counted for Predictions on how long a team leads/draw time.For example:The 1st team scores their 1st goal at 09:15, and the 2nd team ties the game at 12:40. In this case, the time the 1st team was ahead was 2 minutes (the 11th and 12th minutes).
5.12. Predictions on metrics expressed in percentages (% first serve, % possession, etc.). For the purposes of settlements, values are rounded to the nearest whole number according to the rules of arithmetic and the source of information determined by the Betting Organiser in accordance with Clause 4.4 of these Rules.
5.13. Predictions on the value of one metric (m1) that precede another metric (m2). For example, "Number of shots on goal before the first goal", "Number of fouls before the 1st yellow card", etc. A shot on goal that results in a scored goal or a foul for which a yellow card is given are counted. If there were no goals or yellow cards, the result shall be the n1 stat (i.e. the total number of shots on goal or fouls).
5.14. Predictions on the highest scoring half/period of a match. If the number of goals/points in several halves/periods of a match is equal, the selection More Than One wins. All Predictions are accepted for regular time.
5.15. Predictions on goals scored on one side of the field. If no goals are scored, Predictions on "all goals scored on one side of the field" and "Team 1/Team 2 scores all goals on one side of the field" lose.
5.16. Predictions on player metrics. Game Coupons of Predictions made about a player's statistical (or other) indicators are subject to push, if said player is not included in the starting lineup.
6.1. The minimum initial deposit depends on the payment method.
6.2. The Client is fully responsible for the secrecy and safety of the account, registration number and password. In case of personal data, registration number and password being transferred to third parties, the Bookmaker is not responsible for the consequences.
6.3. The loss of the password is not a reason for canceling bets or withdrawing a request for payment of winnings.
6.4. In case of loss of the password or if there is a suspicion of its loss, the Client should immediately change the password in the "My profile" section in his Personal Account and notify the Bookmaker.
6.5. As soon as the Client becomes aware (or suspects) of the loss of personal data, he should immediately change the password and notify the Bookmaker. For security reasons, the Bookmaker recommends regularly changing the account password.
6.6. The Client is prohibited from ceding or selling access to his account to other persons. This prohibition includes the transfer of any valuable assets of any origin, including, but not limited to, ownership of the account, winnings, deposits, bets, rights and/or claims related to these assets, whether legal, commercial or otherwise. The prohibition on the above-mentioned transfer also includes, among other things, encumbrance, pledge, assignment, usufruct, trading and brokerage activities, use as collateral and/or donation in cooperation with a fiduciary or any other third party, company, natural or legal person, foundation and/or association in any format.
6.7. If you enter an incorrect account number during replenishment, you must write a request for a refund in the "Requests" section of your Personal Account. The funds will be refunded only if they are not used on a wrongly replenished account.
6.8. One individual is allowed to have only one account. Re-registration is allowed only with the permission of the Bookmaker. The Client does not have the right to transfer his account number to third parties.
6.9. The Client does not have the right to provide authorization data to third parties (including in his presence), as well as to place bets or other actions in his Personal Account, following the advice or instructions of third parties.
6.10. The registered Client cannot re-register, including with the indication of new registration data.The Bookmaker has the right to require the Client to confirm the personal data (verification) specified by him in accordance with paragraph 3.1 of these Rules during registration in any of the standard graphic formats.The bookmaker has the right to suspend all operations on the account for the entire period of verification. The terms of verification are set individually.In case of confirmation of the fact of re-registration by the Client, including under a new name, as well as providing them with someone else's, invalid, forged documents (for example, modified using various programs or graphic editors), the Bookmaker has the right to invalidate bets made from such an account.If the Client refuses to undergo the verification procedure, the Bookmaker has the right to declare his bets invalid.
6.11. Winnings are paid out by the Bookmaker's Office after receiving a corresponding request from the Client within 3 working days.The minimum transfer amount upon receipt of the winnings depends on the payment system.To receive a win, you need to make a request in the "Payout of winnings" section in your Personal Account. In the text of the request, fill in all the necessary fields, specify the full name, account details of the recipient, as well as the required amount.In some cases, at the discretion of the Bookmaker, the Client may be asked to provide documents for verification of registration data.
6.12. In case of an erroneous calculation of the rates, a recalculation is performed. Bets placed between the erroneous calculation and recalculation are considered valid. If the Customer's account turns out to be negative after recalculation, they will not be able to place bets until they top up their account.
6.13. It is not recommended that two or more persons place bets from the same IP address (from one computer, from one local network) in order to avoid suspicion of collusion or fraud. In case of betting by several persons from the same IP address, the Bookmaker has the right to suspend all transactions on such an account and ask the Client to provide documents for identity verification.
6.14. Bets are not accepted from the following persons:* from persons under the age of 19.* from persons representing the interests of other bookmakers.* from persons acting on behalf of participants in events for which bets are accepted.* from participants in events for which bets are accepted (players, coaches, referees and others).
6.15. When making bets, it is prohibited to use technical and software tools that use algorithms for automatic analysis of events and outcomes, as well as decision-making. It is prohibited to use programs and scripts that perform auto-completion of forms and automatic sending of requests, including so-called "bots". In case of non-compliance with this rule, the Bookmaker has the right to suspend all operations on such an account, block access to the Client's Personal Account, as well as cancel bets made using it with the offset of the amounts of such bets as a fine.
6.16. The Client has the right to close his account. To do this, you need to write a corresponding request in the "Requests" section of your Personal Account. The client who decides to close his account is recommended to withdraw funds in accordance with the standard payment procedure, as described on the "Deposits and Payments" page.The bookmaker has the right to request documents if the client has created a request to close the account, as well as if the client wants to reopen his account.
7.1. Predictions on football matches are accepted based on regular time. Time added by referees to regular time is defined as injury time (not extra time, i.e. two halves of 15 minutes, which are used in tournaments and not taken into account, other than in specially agreed cases). Goals, substitutions, and other events that take place during injury time are considered to have taken place in regular time (first-half injury time is considered after the 45th minute, second-half injury time is considered after the 90th minute).
7.1.1. Injury TimeThe total amount of injury time to be played is displayed on the stream via a special electronic board by the match referee. If the referee does not display the injury time on the stream via a special electronic board, calculation is made based on the report, and if the report lacks information about injury time, then the calculation is based on time actually played.
7.2. For all Predictions associated with the number of player warnings, sending off players is not counted. If a player is dismissed for two yellow cards, one is counted. Cards shown to substitutes, reserve players, trainers or other individuals not participating in the match are not counted. Cards shown after the final whistle are not counted. Cards shown during half-time are considered to have been shown in the second half.
7.3. Predictions on which team gets the first warning or makes the first substitution. If the indicated events take place for both teams in the same minute based on match protocol, the Game Coupons for such Predictions are subject to push.
7.4. The settlement of Predictions on statistics is carried out in accordance with Clause 4.4 of these Rules. The settlement of Predictions accepted only during breaks, as well as Predictions, the acceptance of which was interrupted during the match, is carried out according to the information sources determined by the Betting Organiser in accordance with Clause 4.4 of the Rules. Detailed information related to the calculation of statistical indicators in football matches is available on the Explanation of Football Predictions page.
7.5. Predictions on events to take place first in a specific period of game time. The event that will happen first must be predicted: an out, foul, goal kick, corner kick, offside, card (yellow or red), goal or nothing from the above list. Bets can also be placed on comparisons of various statistics, where a prediction is made on what happens first in a certain period of game time, for example, an out, foul, or neither. The calculation shall be based on the video stream timer on the TV channel, which will be indicated in the commentary for the specific match in the Sports section. The timer in the Pre-match section starts simultaneously with the timer of the indicated channel, and is considered the main timer for calculation when the timer on the television stream is absent. Data from sites, including official sites, are not taken into account in the settlement of Predictions listed in Clause 6.6 of these Rules. Complete information related to the calculation of statistical indicators in football matches is available on the Explanation of Football Predictions page.
7.6. Predictions on "If corner kicks will be made from all four corners". This is a bet on whether corner kicks will be taken from all four corners of the football pitch - Yes or No. Details on the settlement of such Predictions and ways of displaying information on corner kicks in Pre-match can be found on the Explanation of Football Predictions page.
7.7. For Predictions on metrics before an event occurs, if the indicated event does not occur, the Game Coupons for the Predictions are not pushed, and the selection is calculated based on the actual result at the end of the match (for example, for a Prediction on "Number of fouls before the first yellow card", if there are no yellow cards given, the selection will be counted based on the number of fouls made by the end of the match). Metrics before the event occurs are counted inclusively, i.e. in the Prediction "Number of shots on goal before the first goal," a shot that results in a goal is also counted. For a Prediction on the shirt number of a player that scores a goal, the shirt number shall be counted as 0 if no goals are scored.
7.8. For "Either goalkeeper will touch the ball in the first N minutes of the match" and "Both goalkeepers will touch the ball in the first N minutes of the match" Predictions, touches of the ball by the goalkeepers only on the playing field are counted. For these Predictions, actual touches of the ball by goalkeepers are counted regardless of whether they are shown at the time on the TV stream or not. If the moment the ball is touched is not shown on the stream (for example, a goalkeeper's shot is not shown because a replay is being shown at the time), then the time of the ball being touched is taken as the time the live stream is restored.
7.9. Predictions on "First to happen" and "Last to happen". For settlement purposes, events are considered to have occurred for this type of Prediction (and other similar Predictions) when:- corner kick: in the event of an actual corner kick taken from the corner marker;- goal kick: in the event of an actual kick from the goals;- out: there was an official throw-in made from off the pitch after the ball was declared 'out';- offside: in the event of an actual free kick after an offside is determined;- foul: in the event of an actual foul being determined (referee whistle).
7.10. Predictions on "What will happen to a player first"For this Prediction, a prediction is made on what event from a specified list will happen to the player during the match. If the player is not in the starting lineup, the Game Coupons of Predictions made on such player are subject to push. The "Will play entire match" Prediction wins if the player plays the entire match and none of the other listed events happen to the player (no goals scored, no yellow card received, etc.).
7.11. Statistical metricsAll Predictions are decided based on regular time apart from separately negotiated cases. For calculation purposes, substitutions made (according to an official source) in the 46th minute are considered to have taken place during halftime. When settling Predictions, a retaken corner is considered one corner. The general statistics for the entire tournament, group stage, or specific team or player are determined by summing up the protocols of each match as displayed in the information source determined by the Betting Organiser in accordance with Clause 4.4 of these Rules. If one or several matches are interrupted and declared not to have been held in accordance with Clause 4.3 of these Rules, the statistical metrics of such matches count towards the total statistical metrics (for the entire championship, group tournament, individual team) based on the results when the game was stopped. If a team is disqualified (removed) in a group stage, they are given a defeat of 0:3 in all unplayed matches for the purposes of calculating position, points and goals in the group. In the absence of any statistics in the source of information determined by the Betting Organiser in accordance with Clause 4.4 of these Rules, settlement is carried out based on the actual result.
7.12. Top tournament scorerThe top tournament scorer is the player who scores the most goals in normal time and extra time.Criteria for determining the top tournament scorer when there are equal goals scored (in order of priority):1) the player who scored fewer goals from penalty shootouts;2) the player who played fewer matches;3) the player who spent less minutes on the field.Note. For the criteria to determine the top scorer in the World and European Championship, see Clause 15.1 of these Rules.
7.13. If at the time of moving to another championship the player was the top scorer of the tournament and at least half of all championship matches were played, the Prediction is settled based on the final result. In other cases, the Game Coupons of Predictions made on such a player are subject to push. A player's statistics in another championship are not taken into account.
7.14. Top tournament assistantThe top tournament assistant is the player with the most assists in regular and extra time.Criteria for determining the top tournament assistant when there are an equal number of assists (in order of priority):1) the player who played fewer matches;2) the player who spent less minutes on the field;3) if all of these statistics are equal for two or more players, Game Coupons of Predictions on such players are subject to push.
8.1. Hockey Predictions are only accepted on regular time (no overtime), unless otherwise stated. Predictions on bandy are accepted only for regular match time, unless otherwise stated.
8.2. Predictions on player points (goals and assists). Predictions are considered won if the overall number of points generated by the specified player during regular match time is predicted correctly.
8.3. In Predictions on the number of face-offs, only won face-offs are counted.
8.4. Predictions on the first 2-minute penalty. If, according to the match protocol, both teams got the 2-minute penalty, then the Game Coupons of Predictions made about the first 2-minute penalty are subject to push.
8.5. Predictions on the number of 2-minute penalties. Double minors (2+2) are considered 2 penalties. If a penalty is declared at the same time as the final whistle of a period or match (20:00, 40:00, 60:00), it is considered part of the period that is ending.
8.6. Predictions on goals scored in an empty net. The net is considered empty when the goalkeeper leaves the playing field and is replaced with a player from another position.
8.7. If during an exhibition game an event occurs which, according to hockey rules, ends the match, e.g. a goal in overtime or a goal in a shootout, after which the winner is unambiguously determined, then Predictions are settled on the basis of this event even if the teams continue playing. Further events do not affect Prediction settlement.
8.8. Short hockey Predictions are settled in accordance with the rules for settling hockey Predictions.
9.1. Predictions are accepted on basketball and 3x3 basketball taking into account overtime, unless otherwise stated. If a match is completed during regular time with an equal score, and there was no "Draw" selection or overtime, the game is considered complete and the Game Coupons of Predictions made about the match selection are subject to push. If two matches are played and overtime is announced in accordance with the rules of the tournament, then Predictions on the second match are subject to settlement taking into account the overtime (for example, 77:75 for the first match, and 75:77 for the second).
9.2. Predictions on rebounds. Individual and team rebounds are taken into account when settling Predictions on rebounds, except for NBA and WNBA championship matches, for which only individual rebounds are counted.
9.3. Predictions on the comparative results of quarters. In the event of an equal score, Game Coupons of Predictions made about the comparative results of quarters are subject to push.
9.4. Predictions on individual player metrics. If a player did not play in a match or played for less than 2 (two) minutes, Game Coupons of Predictions made about their individual metrics are subject to push.
9.5. The settlement of Predictions on statistics is carried out in accordance with Clause 4.4 of these Rules.
9.6. Predictions about the statistics of teams and players based on tournament results. When calculating the statistical indicators of teams and players based on tournament results, the result is determined based on the total number of relevant indicators scored by participants during the tournament, regardless of the number of matches played.
9.7. Predictions on handicap Totals. Predictions on Total number of fouls are settled based on the official report where only fouls against players are taken into account. A technical foul by a coach, team official or player on the bench may be recorded in play-by-play mode, but shall not count in Predictions settlements.
9.8. Predictions "Scored baskets (3-pointers)", "Scored baskets (2-pointers)", as well as Predictions in 3x3 basketball "Scored baskets (1-pointers)" and "Scored baskets (2-pointers)". The settlement of Predictions is carried out in accordance with Clause 4.4 of these Rules. Predictions are accepted taking into account overtime unless otherwise stated.
9.9. Predictions on individual and team statistics in Live. Predictions on individual and team statistics in Live are accepted taking into account overtime, unless otherwise stated, and are settled according to the final match protocol.
9.10. Predictions on 3x3 basketball. Predictions on 3x3 basketball are accepted based on the official regulations and rules of the sport published on the official tournament or federation site. The settlement of Predictions is carried out in accordance with Clause 4.4 of these Rules. Game Coupons of Predictions about 3x3 basketball events are not subject to push due to differences between the rules and regulations of various tournaments.
10.1. Cricket bets are settled according to the official result as determined by the governing body of the match or tournament.
10.2. If the match is interrupted and incomplete, bets on such match are subject to push, except for bets with an outcome that has already been determined.
10.3. The following are the types of cricket competitions:* one-day international match (Twenty20, "short form") — the game lasts an average of three and a half hours * one-day international match (One Day International, ODI) - the game lasts more than 8 hours* test matches — the game lasts five playing days with a minimum of 90 overs each day for each team.
10.4. In the event that the official match result is a draw and no bet was offered on "Draw", any parameters to determine the winner will be taken into account, for example, "bowl off", "super over", etc. (bowl off and super over do not count towards other bets).
10.5. In the event of a one-day match being shortened by 1-20 overs, all bets on the match will remain in force and be settled as usual according to the match result. In the event that a match is shortened by more than 20 overs, then bets are subject to return, except for bets with outcomes that have already been determined.
10.6. If a Twenty20 match is shortened by 1-5 overs, all bets on the match will remain in force and be settled as usual according to the match result. If the match is shortened by more than 5 overs, the bets are subject to push, except for bets with outcomes that have already been determined.
10.7. "Best team batsman" bet. The best batsman on a team is the player with the most runs. Runs in a super over are not counted. If two or more players have an equal number of runs, then bets are settled in accordance with Clause 5.5 of these Rules.In the event that a batsman is out due to injury but subsequently returns to the game, the total number of runs scored by such batsman in an inning counts. If a batsman does not subsequently return to the game, the final result will be what was reached before the batsman left the game.If the batsman is not among the starting 11 players, bets will be subject to cancellation. Bets on selected players who did not bat or enter the field are considered lost.In limited over matches, bets will be subject to cancellation if it was impossible to complete at least 50% of a team's overs due to external factors, including bad weather, unless the result was determined at the end of the inning.Bets on best batsman in test matches are only accepted on the first inning of each team and will be subject to cancellation, if less than 50 overs have been played, unless bet outcomes have already been determined.
10.8. "Best bowler" bet. Bets on selected players who did not bat or enter the field are considered lost. In the event that two or more players finish the game with the same number of wickets, the winner is the bowler with the fewest runs conceded. The simultaneous finish rule applies (Clause 5.5 of these Rules). In the event that none of the bowlers take a wicket, bets are subject to return.
10.9. Bets on any player not in the starting 11 players will be subject to cancellation. Bets on players who are in the starting lineup but do not hit the ball are subject to return.
10.10. "Total runs before a wicket is taken" bet. The bet wins if the specified conditions are predicted correctly: taking the wicket and total runs. If a wicket is not taken and the total exceeds the specified minimum, the bet will lose. If the wicket is not taken, and the total runs exceed the specified maximum, the bet is pushed.
10.11. "Race to 10 runs" bet. Bets remain in force unless the announced players do not bat first, in which case bets will be subject to cancellation. Bets remain in force regardless of which of the announced players hits the first ball. If no player scores 10 runs, the "Nobody wins" option wins. In matches affected by the weather, if no batsman scores 10 runs and none are dismissed, bets will be subject to cancellation. In the event that neither batsman scores 10 runs and both are dismissed, the "Nobody wins" option wins.
10.12. Individual total runs () first () overs () B/M.In the event that the selected number of overs is not completed due to external factors, including bad weather, bets will be subject to cancellation unless the result is determined.In the event that the duration of the inning is less than the selected number of overs (for example, the team is dismissed in fewer overs than the specified number or reached the goal), bets remain in force.Additional and penalty runs are taken into account when settling bets, regardless of the situation in which they were made.In a test match, the full number of specified overs must be played for bets to remain in force unless the team is dismissed in fewer overs than specified, or the goal was reached.
10.13. Individual team run total. This bet is settled based on the final score of the batting side. When a draw is declared and additional rounds are held (super over or golden goal), bets on the outcome of the match are settled only on the basis of the runs scored in the main part of the game. In matches with limited overs, bets will be subject to cancellation, if it was impossible to complete at least 80% of a team's overs due to external factors, including bad weather, unless the result was determined at the end of the inning. In test matches with a draw, bets will be subject to cancellation, if less than 60 overs were played, unless the outcome of the bet has already been determined.
10.14. "Maximum number of runs of any player", "Player, total runs", and "Number of player runs" bets. In test matches, these bets are settled on the highest score in innings. Runs in two innings are not totalled unless otherwise stated.
10.15. Over, bowl, individual run total. When settling bets, additional runs accredited for a specific bowl are taken into account. Example, if an over started: Wide ball – no ball – four", in which case the "four" counts as the third ball in the over.
10.16. Some types of bets can be settled only after the full description of the event appears in the official source, which can take 10-12 hours.
10.17. "Best match batsman" bet. The best batsman of the match is the player with the most runs. Runs in a super over are not counted. If two or more players have the same number of runs, bets are settled in accordance with Clause 5.5 of these Rules.In the event that a batsman is out due to injury but subsequently returns to the game, the total number of runs scored by such batsman in an inning counts. If a batsman does not subsequently return to the game, the final result will be what was reached before the batsman left the game.If the batsman is not among the starting 11 players, bets will be subject to cancellation. Bets on selected players who did not bat or enter the field are considered lost.In matches with limited overs, bets will be subject to cancellation, if it was impossible to complete at least 50% of either of a team's overs due to external factors, including bad weather, unless the result was determined at the end of the inning.Bets on best batsman in test matches are only accepted on the first inning of each team and will be subject to cancellation, if less than 50 overs have been played by either of the teams, unless bet outcomes have already been determined.
10.18. "Best batsman team" bet. When determining the best batsman team, the player with the most runs is counted. Runs in a super over are not counted. In the event that batsmen from different teams had the same maximum number of runs and a Draw bet was not offered, bets are settled in accordance with Clause 5.5 of these Rules.In the event that a batsman is out due to injury but subsequently returns to the game, the total number of runs scored by such batsman in an inning counts. If a batsman does not subsequently return to the game, the final result will be what was reached before the batsman left the game.If the batsman is not among the starting 11 players, bets will be subject to cancellation. Bets on selected players who did not bat or enter the field are considered lost.In matches with limited overs, all bets will be subject to cancellation in the event of any reduction due to external factors, unless the result has been determined at the end of the inning or the team accomplished the goal or lost all wickets.The best batsman team in test matches only applies to the first innings of each team unless otherwise stated. In the event that either side plays fewer overs in their innings for any reason (other than completed innings or Declaration is announced), then all bets will be subject to cancellation unless the result has been determined. However, bets remain in force if the result is determined before the reduction of overs.
10.19. Alternative outcomes. These bets use an exact system for determining the outcome on a scale of points:* 1 point — for a run* 20 points — for a wicket* 10 points – for a catch* 25 points — for a stumping.Bets on a non-participating player are pushed.In One Day matches, both teams must have over 40 overs, otherwise bets will be subject to cancellation, except for bets that have already been determined.In Test and First Class matches, the entire match is taken into account for bet settlement. In the event of a draw, at least 200 overs must be played, otherwise bets will be subject to cancellation, except for bets that have already been determined. In Twenty20 matches, all 20 planned overs must be played and the result obtained from official sources, unless the outcome of the match has already been determined. In Gold League matches, all planned overs must be played or 5 wickets hit.Point accrual:* hitting a wicket directly by the bowler — batsman dismissed* batsman not hitting the ball after bowling and catching (failing to catch) the ball by the wicket keeper — 0 points to the batsman* after hitting the ball by the batsman when the ball is caught by fielders or the wicket keeper without touching the field — batsman dismissed* after the ball is hit by the batsman and touches the field, if the batsman or non-batsman is not in the batting or non-batting crease — batsman dismissed for a hit wicket.For a batsman hitting a ball into zones:* А — 0 points* В, C (before the midfield) — 1 point* В or С (past midfield to zone D) — 2 points* D (without hitting the field) — 6 points, with touching the field — 4 points.If the ball hits first in zone B or C past the midfield — 2 points, and then in zone D — 1 point, a total of 3 points are awarded. If the ball hits zone B or C before the midfield — 1 point, and then into zone B or C after the midfield — a total of 2 points are awarded.Dead ball (bowling the ball to the midline, including the line) — 0 points, the bowl is repeated. In the event of another dead ball — 5 points to the batsman.Physical contact against a batsman — 5 points to the batsman.Good ball (bowling the ball through the batman's zone without touching the batman) — 0 points.Wide ball (the ball goes outside the zone or crosses the line of the batsman's zone) — 2 points to the batsman.Leg bye (the ball hits the batsman's body) — 0 points, in this event the game continues. If the batsman and non-batsman change ends — 1 point.No ball (the bowler steps over the line, direct bowl above the wicket without touching the ground, bowl with a rebound off the field above the shoulder, bowl outside the pitch) — 2 points to the batsman.Team (name) avoids a follow-on. It must be determined if a follow-on can be declared to the team batting second, regardless of if it takes place or not. Bets remain in force if both teams complete the first inning (including declarations), or bets will be subject to return.Cyber Indian League 22Matches consist of 1 inning with a maximum of 20 overs for each team. There are 6 bowls in each over.There is a coin toss at the start of each match. The team that wins the toss chooses if it will bowl or bat first.The batting team first accumulates runs for a full 20 overs or until 10 wickets have been taken. The other team plays in their own half of the innings until they have more runs than the team scoring in the first half of the innings, or until all of their 20 six-ball overs have been bowled or 10 wickets have been taken as well.The team with the most runs is determined as the winner. If both teams have the same number of runs, then a super over is played. In this event, the team with the most points in the super over will be declared the winner.
10.20. Bet calculationThe winner of the match is determined taking the super over into account."Over, individual run total" — settlement is based on the number of runs scored by the teams, taking into account additional points (extras). If there is no over, the bets are subject to return."Will a wicket be taken in the over", "Will there be a penalty point in the over" — settlement is according to the results of the over. If there is no over, the bets are subject to return."Total", "Individual total", "Individual total runs" — settlement is based on the number of runs scored by the teams, taking into account additional points (extras) but excluding the super over."Who will lose the most wickets", "Total wickets", "Lost wickets team total" — settlement is based on the number of wickets without taking into account the super over."There will be a super over", "Winner in the super over" — if there was no super over, bets are considered lost.
11.1. If a tennis match is interrupted, Predictions on it shall remain valid until the end of the tournament the match was played in and until such match is finished or one of the players declines to continue.
11.2. If a tennis match is rescheduled (for example, due to inclement weather), Predictions on such match are settled after the rally (i.e. after it is played).
11.3. In tennis, a player who does not finish a match (for any reason) is considered the loser in all remaining sets and games, with the exception of player substitutions. For example, if Player 1 wins a five-set match against Player 2 with a score of 2:0 (1st set: 6:0, 2nd set: 6:0), but does not finish the match, Player 1 is considered the loser with a score of 2:3 (1st set: 6:0, 2nd set: 6:0, 3rd set: 0:6, 4th set: 0:6, 5th set: 0:6). In this case, all Predictions are settled based on a final score of 2-3 (the score after all 5 sets: 12:18). If a player is removed or disqualified, or the match ends prematurely for any reason, the end time of the match is considered the time of the last point scored. Game Coupons of Predictions accepted after this time are subject to push. Predictions on individual player metrics (aces, double aces, double faults, breaks, etc.) shall be settled based on the metrics when the match stops. Game Coupons of Predictions made about specific sets or games shall be pushed if no points were scored in the set or game. The handicap and Total in tennis matches are calculated by games (in volleyball matches, by points). When settling Predictions, a tie-break is considered as one game. If the decisive set was a super tie-break (up to 10 points), then the score in such a set is determined by the number of points, for example, when the score is 2:1 (3:6; 7:6; 10:8) the result of the match by games is 20:20.
11.4. If the number of sets in a match is shown incorrectly, Game Coupons of Predictions made about the score in sets, total, and handicap are subject to push. In such cases, Game Coupons of Predictions accepted for the outcome of the match are not subject to push.
11.5. Incorrectly or imprecisely indicated types of coverage, tournament name or tournament location shall not serve as a basis for cancelling Predictions.
11.6. When settling Predictions, any additional sets (for example, extra sets, gold sets) are not counted.
11.7. In volleyball, the decisive 5th set (in beach volleyball, the 3rd set) is not considered a tie-break, but rather a regular set, and is taken into account for settling Predictions in the usual manner, including "Total of the highest scoring set" and "Total of the lowest scoring set" Predictions. In "The score will be balanced" ("Yes" or "No") volleyball Predictions, balance is considered the evening of the score after the first set point in the game.
11.8. Predictions on aces in volleyball. An ace in volleyball is a serve after which:- the ball lands in the opponent's court without being touched by a player of the opposing team;- the ball goes out of play after touching only one player of the opposing team;- after touching a second player of the opposing team, the ball does not rebound toward another player and goes out of play.If the ball touches all players from the opposing team in a row, it is not considered an ace. The calculation of the number of aces is based on the stream.Predictions on the number of blocks in volleyball. The calculation of the number of blocks is based on the stream. If there is no stream, the calculation is based on the data available on the official tournament website.
11.9. If during an exhibition game an event occurs which, according to volleyball rules, ends the match, e.g. a team wins with a score of 3:1 or 3:1, after which the winner is unambiguously determined, then Predictions are settled on the basis of this event even if the teams continue playing. Further events do not affect the settlement of Predictions, but will be settled as separate events if available for selecting Predictions in Live.
11.10. The rules for settling tennis and volleyball Predictions apply for the following sports: badminton, table tennis, squash, beach volleyball, mixed volleyball and billiards.
11.11. Matches of Russia-wide and regional sporting events sponsored by the Russian Table Tennis Federation (RTTF) are played with 5 and 7 sets.In the first 4 and 6 sets, with a score of 10:10 the winner is the player who scores the 11th point. The 5th and 7th sets are played to 7 points.If neither team scores a total of 10 points after 7 minutes in the decisive set, to speed up the game, the rules change so that each server serves only one point.
11.12. Ping-pong rules. All players must use official rackets with authorised covering materials. Matches are decided by best of 3 sets. All sets are played to 15 points. A set ends if the score is 15-14. All other situations are governed by the rules of table tennis.
12.1. The home team is the team starting in the outfield, regardless of the venue.
12.2. Predictions are accepted for the final result of a match with all possible additional periods (innings). In the event of a draw, wins are calculated with odds of 1.00, and Totals and handicaps based on the actual score. If two identical matches are held on one day and only one was initially displayed in the Pre-match section, the first of them is used for the result.
12.3. MLB series. Predictions on the first series (three matches) of two teams. If one of the first three matches is cancelled or not played within the first three days, then Predictions will be settled on the remaining two matches. If only one of three matches in an MLB series is played in the first three days, Game Coupons of Predictions about such series are pushed.Note. In Pre-match, Predictions on an MLB series win are provided in the Qualify column.
12.4. Predictions on the 1st inning. If the first inning is played in full, Predictions for it are settled even if the match was not finished. Predictions are accepted on the outcome of regular time (9 innings). In Pre-match, such events are designated as "regular time (9 innings)". Predictions made on regular time are settled on the condition that at least 5 full innings have been played. If the match was not finished, the score is equal, and at least 5 innings were played, regular time is considered to have ended in a draw. Predictions on selections of the first inning and match as a whole (represented as W1W1) are accepted based on the final score of the match.
12.5. Softball Predictions are settled according to the same rules as baseball Prediction settlements.
13.1. The warm-up lap is included in the final race standings.
13.2. If both drivers crash, the driver who completed more laps is declared the winner of the bet. If both drivers complete the same number of laps, the Game Coupons of Predictions will be pushed.
13.3. The driver is considered to have completed the race if they qualified.
13.4. Predictions on safety car deployment — "Yes" or "No". When settling such Predictions, only actual safety car deployment is considered.
13.5. In the event of disputes, the first rider to leave the track is determined by the FIA protocol (last place).
14.1. Ski Jumping and Downhill Skiing. If athletes are knocked out in different stages (laps, attempts) of a competition, in the settlement of Predictions, priority shall be given to the stage which the athlete reached. If both athletes (teams) were knocked out in one stage (did not qualify for the next stage), the leader is considered the athlete (team) who reached a higher position based on the results of that stage (lap, attempt). If participants were knocked out in the same stage and there is no way to determine which of them held a higher position, the Game Coupons of such Predictions are subject to return. If qualification is replaced by a prologue, accepted Predictions remain in force.
14.2. Skiing, biathlon, ice skating. In "Head to Head (H2H)" competitions, if the participant (of a relay race, the team) has started, but not finished, then Predictions placed on that participant in comparison with another participant lose. If one of the participants did not start, or if both participants abandoned the race, then Game Coupons of Predictions about them are subject to return.
14.2.1. "Miss" Predictions in biathlon. In order to determine which of the athletes in the Prediction had the most misses, the following rules are used:- in the event of hitting the handicap, the Game Coupons of Predictions are subject to push;- if the participant did not complete the race (did not shoot at all stages), but completed at least one full shooting (at one stage), then Predictions are subject to settlement based on the number of misses in the final protocol.
14.2.2. "Who is higher" Prediction in biathlon. In the proposed bets, it is necessary to indicate the athlete (team) who will take a higher place in the final protocol. If both athletes take the same place, then the Game Coupons of Predictions made about such athletes are subject to push. If both athletes (teams) started but did not finish the race, the result is determined by the final protocol.
14.3. Curling. Predictions on curling take overtime into account.
15.1. Main definitions
15.1.1. Esports Are computer or video game matches and tournaments on which Predictions are accepted.
15.1.2. "Cheating" is the use of any unauthorised or banned technique that allows a player(s) to gain an unfair advantage over their opponent(s). Cheating is considered a serious violation of the rules in any Esports discipline.
15.1.3. A "stream" is a live video stream of a match, broadcast over the Internet. In order to avoid foul play and cheating, match streams are broadcast with a delay. The exact length of the allowable delay is determined by the regulations approved by the tournament organisers.
15.1.4. A "frag" is a point awarded to a player or team after killing an opponent's character, and (in some Esports) when a player kills his own character (commits suicide).
15.1.5. First blood (abbreviation FB) - the first Frag awarded in the match to the player or to the team.
15.1.6. Hit points (HP) - health and life points.
15.1.7. Armour (Eng. abbrev. AP) - points of armour or points of additional protection.
15.1.8. DDoS-attack (Distributed Denial of Service) – a hacker attack on the computer system designed to make it fail.
15.1.9. A Disconnect is a loss of connection between the game Customer and the game server.
15.1.10. Gameplay Demos and Match Replays are saved recordings of previous matches that can be viewed in the game Customer or on tournament websites.
15.1.11. A Rehost is an event where the game situation is rolled back to its previous state on the map.
15.1.12. A Map is a specific location in the game where the match takes place.
15.1.13. A Round is the length of time a match is played for.
15.1.14. Bo1, Bo2, Bo3, etc. (Best of 1 / Best of 2 / Best of 3, etc.) are match formats. The figures in the abbreviation correspond to the number of maps to be played in the match. The winner of the match is determined by the number of maps won:- Bof3 – winning two maps will win the match;- Bof5 – winning three maps will win the match, etc.
15.1.15. Battle Royale is a match format. A match on a specific map is played until the last remaining survivor in a single, doubles, or team game.
15.1.16. Playable Character (abbreviation PC) is a person, fantastic being, or machine controlled by a player.Note. A Champion is a player character in League of Legends, and a Hero is a player character in Dota 2.
15.1.17. Non-Player Character (abbreviation NPC) is a person, fantastic being, or machine controlled by artificial intelligence (a computer).
15.1.18. A Pistol Round is played as the first round of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive matches. Only pistols are made available to players in such rounds.
15.1.19. The main base structure. The team that destroys their opponent's main base first wins the game.Note. The main base structure in League of Legends is the Nexus, and in Dota 2 it is the Ancient (slang: Throne).
15.1.20. Pick/Ban Phase is a pre-match stage in certain disciplines. The Pick phase is where characters, maps, etc., are chosen. The Ban phase is where an opponent or an opponent's team is prohibited from choosing certain characters, maps, etc.
15.1.21. Deny is when a player last hits one of their allies or themselves in order to prevent an opponent from getting the frag. Denies are not displayed in the Frags counter (the number of Frags on the map does not change when a player's character is Denied).
15.2. The main types of Predictions on esports. Rules for acceptance and bet calculations
15.2.1. The main types of Predictions on esports correspond to the types and categories of Predictions in section 5 of these Rules.
15.2.2. Predictions on esports are settled in accordance with section 3 of these Rules, taking into account the specific nature of Predictions settlements inherent in a particular esport (see the relevant clauses of this section).
15.2.3. Maximum payout is set in accordance with Clause 3.4 of these Rules.
15.2.4. The event's final result is settled according to the score displayed on the match end screen.
15.2.5. A rehost with an account change is not a basis for the push of Game Coupons accepted for the Prediction.
15.2.6. If the final result of a match cannot be established, then Game Coupons of Predictions are subject to push.
15.2.7. If one of the teams started the match with an advantage on the basis of a technical decision or rule, all Predictions are subject to cancellation, except where information about the advantage was specified ahead of the event.
15.2.8. Decisions on Predictions placed on matches and events in matches started but not completed are made in accordance with the rules of the particular esports discipline and tournament as part of which such matches were held.
15.2.9. In the event of technical difficulties that require a restart of the game, the final score may be determined by the fixed score shown prior to the suspension of the game.
15.2.10. Disconnects during the stream cannot be used as grounds for the cancellation of Predictions for any reason, except in situations where it is impossible to establish the final result of a match. For example, the match ended during a Disconnect. After the Stream is resumed, the match result could not be established. In this event, the Game Coupons of the Prediction are subject to push.
15.2.11. Technical malfunctions, interference, Disconnects, DDoS attacks, etc. during the video stream of an event cannot be used as grounds for cancelling Predictions, except in cases where it is impossible to establish the final result of the match.
15.2.12. In the event a match is stopped due to technical reasons (computer failure, disconnection, etc.) and a rematch is announced, Predictions placed on the stopped game shall be settled according to the general rules for settling Predictions on interrupted events (see Clause 4.3 of these Rules).
15.2.13. In Dota 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, if one of the team's players does not show up within 10 minutes of the start time of the match/map (as per the time indicated in the tournament schedule), or if for any reason the team is unable to start the match/map on time, thus resulting in a technical defeat according to tournament rules, then the event is deemed void and Game Coupons of Predictions made about it are subject to push.
15.2.14. A change in the number of players or their substitution on teams (because a player was disconnected from the server due to a DDoS attack, etc.) shall not be considered grounds for cancelling Predictions.
15.2.15. Statistics, match recordings, and video streams of esports disciplines are shown at the relevant links on the Sources of Information page when checking match results.Sources for checking results
15.2.16. In LAN tournaments, esports matches are always played on a neutral field. In such matches, there is no "home team" or "away team".
15.3. Special types of Predictions about esports. Rules for acceptance and bet calculations
15.3.1. Predictions about Dota 2
15.3.2. Predictions on 'The map will end in day time'. This Prediction is settled according to the in-game cycle of the change between day and night every 5 (five) minutes. The in-game day starts at 0:00 and ends at 5:00, after which the night cycle begins (5:00 is considered night). When settling this type of Prediction, Night Stalker's Dark Ascension ability is not counted.
15.3.3. Match Length Prediction. If the game duration on the map matches the number indicated in the Match Length Prediction, then such a Prediction wins. For example, if the match ends at 37:00, then the Prediction on "Match Length over 37 minutes – Yes" wins.In Predictions on the Total minutes of map duration, the exact time of the end of the map is taken into account. For example, if the match ends at 36:04, then the Prediction on "Match Length over 36.5 minutes – Yes" loses.
15.3.4. Prediction about First Blood. This Prediction wins if the specified team scores the first Frag on the map.
15.3.5. Roshan bet. This Prediction wins if the selected team is first to kill the non-playable character Roshan on the map. If no team kills the non-playable character indicated in the name of the Prediction, then Game Coupons of Predictions on such an event are subject to push.
15.3.6. "Who destroys the first tower" Prediction. The Prediction is settled based on the fall of the first tower on the map. The team that destroys the first tower is the team whose opponent is the first to lose a tower for any reason, including a Denial.
15.3.7. If an event loses its rating status, then Game Coupons of Predictions made about such an event are pushed.
15.3.8. If a Random Battle match loses its rating status, then Game Coupons of Prediction made about such an event are pushed.
15.3.9. If for any reason the match was not completed or interrupted and was later resumed with a score of 0-0, Game Coupons of Prediction are pushed.
15.3.10. The final match score is determined by the score shown on the screen after the Ancient is destroyed.
15.3.11. The first team to destroy the enemy throne shall be declared the winner, regardless of the current Frag score.
15.3.12. The Frag score displayed may drop both during the game on the map, and after it ends within the delay time of the Dota TV stream. Such a change does not constitute grounds for the cancellation of a Prediction or the push of Game Coupons for such Predictions.
15.4. Predictions on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
15.4.1. The Frag total is calculated according to the number of player characters killed.
15.4.2. Predictions on "Bomb planted" with the options ("Yes" / "No"). This Prediction wins if the selected team plants a bomb in a certain round. If the bomb is planted after the end of the round, the "Bomb planted — No" Prediction wins.
15.4.3. Predictions on "Bomb defused" with the options ("Yes" / "No"). This Prediction wins if the bomb is defused by one of the teams in a certain round.
15.4.4. In the case of a draw (15:15), six additional rounds shall be played as overtime. An overtime win is awarded to the first team to win four rounds (out of six). In the case of a draw (18:18) after overtime, six additional rounds shall be played. Predictions are settled taking into account all rounds played.
15.4.5. In some cases, the final match score may be recorded as equal (a draw) in accordance with the rules of the tournament or by decision of a panel of judges.
15.4.6. If one of the teams cannot continue playing for any reason which results in a technical defeat, while the map has started, but less than 15 rounds have been played, then all Predictions made about the maps and the match are subject to cancellation, except for Predictions on events that already took place.If more than 15 rounds were played on the map, then Predictions on the map are settled (the winning team gets points up to 16 (if the game was interrupted in overtime, then up to 19, 22, etc.)). The number of points of the losing team matches the number fixed at the time the game was stopped.If the match is interrupted during the game on the first map, then Predictions made about the handicap and Total maps in the match are subject to cancellation, and Predictions on winning the match are settled in the usual way.The end time of the last round, after which the event was interrupted, is considered the end time of the match, and all Predictions made later are subject to cancellation.
15.4.7. If the player cannot play on the map, while the game on the map has not started (not a single Frag has been recorded), or the player has played less than half (the number of rounds played is divided by the number of rounds played on the map), then Predictions accepted on such player are subject to cancellation.
15.4.8. If the player cannot continue playing on the map after the game on the map started (at least one Frag has been recorded) and the player has played more than half, then Predictions are settled based on the statistics, where the eliminated player statistics are recorded at the time of elimination.
15.4.9. A match is considered to have started when the first Frag is made in the pistol round.
15.4.10. If there is a change in the match format (the number of maps, rounds, etc.), Predictions are subject to cancellation, except for Predictions made on completed positions.
15.4.11. Predictions placed on specific maps are subject to cancellation only if not a single round was played on them.
15.4.12. A server restart following a technical malfunction that requires a simulation of the map exactly at the time of the restart and a change of the round or map score cannot be considered as grounds for the cancellation of Predictions.
15.4.13. Frags after the end of the round are counted as during the round.
15.4.14. Suicide and friendly kills of players do not count as Frags in the round.
15.5. Predictions about League of Legends
15.5.1. Predictions about "Dragon", "Baron" or "Herald". This Prediction wins if the selected team kills the selected NPC on the map first. If no team kills the non-playable character indicated in the name of the Prediction, then Game Coupons of Predictions on such events are pushed.
15.5.2. The match format is determined by the tournament rules. A match can be comprised of one, three or five games.
15.5.3. Predictions on the Total number of Frags are settled based on the number of champions killed. The killing of minions or monsters, as well as the killing of champions by minions or monsters, is not taken into account in the current match score.
15.5.4. The first team to destroy the enemy Nexus is declared the winner, regardless of the current frag score.
15.5.5. If a technical break during the game lasts for more than 30 (thirty) minutes, match results are cancelled and the match restarts at the Pick / Ban Phase. The match is deemed invalid, and Game Coupons of Predictions made on it are pushed.
15.5.6. If one of the team's players cannot continue to participate in the match because of health issues and their team is given a technical defeat in accordance with the rules of the tournament, the Game Coupons of Predictions made on it are not pushed.
15.5.7. If a team exceeds the 10-minute limit for resolving technical problems during a pause, then that team shall be awarded a technical defeat in accordance with the tournament regulations and the statistics of the match shall not be counted. The event is considered not to have taken place, and the Game Coupons of Predictions accepted for such an event are pushed.
15.6. Predictions on Overwatch
15.6.1. In the event of a map draw in a match (2:2), an additional game shall be played on one map. The winning team shall be declared based on the result of the additional game and shall receive an additional point.
15.6.2. In the event of an interruption to a match due to a refusal to participate or the disqualification of a player, the opposing team shall be declared the winner. In this event, points are added to the other team's score to award them the map or match win.For example, the score was 1:1 at the time the match was stopped, then the final match score will be 2:1.
15.6.3. If the final result of a match cannot be established, then Game Coupons of Predictions made on such match are subject to push.Predictions on finished positions shall be settled. The match is considered to have started after the first Frag.
15.6.4. If, for whatever reason (players' failure to show up or they are not ready, etc.), a team cannot start the match within the regulated time resulting in a technical defeat according to the tournament rules, the event is considered not to have been held, and all Game Coupons of Predictions accepted on the events are pushed.
15.6.5. If there is a change to the match format (the number of maps, rounds, etc.), then Predictions are subject to cancellation, except for Predictions placed on completed positions.
15.6.6. A change in the number of team players (due to Disconnects, DDoS attacks, etc.) cannot be considered as grounds for cancelling Predictions.
15.6.7. If a match (or a game on a map) started but was not completed, Game Coupons of Predictions made on such a match (or a game on a map) are pushed, if the Predictions have not been settled by that time.
15.7. Predictions on PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
15.7.1. Head to Head (H2H) Predictions. This Prediction wins if the specified player, pair of players, or team (four players) ranks higher than the others upon completion of the match.
15.7.2. Predictions on 'H2H by points'. Predictions are settled according to the bracket, and points are counted for place and frags.
15.7.3. Predictions on 'Most Frags'. Predictions are settled according to the bracket, and points are counted only for team kill points. The winner is the team with more frags.
15.7.4. Predictions on "Top 3 in the round" ("Yes" or "No"). Predictions are settled according to the bracket, and points are counted for place and frags.
15.7.5. Match format: PUBG matches take place in the Battle Royale mode.
15.7.6. In the event of disputes, the winner is determined by the official tournament table.
15.8. Predictions on interactive football
15.8.1. All types and kinds of Predictions accepted on football matches are also accepted on interactive football (FIFA, eFootball computer game) matches. Settlement rules correspond to the rules for the settlement of football Predictions (Clause 6 of the Rules).Section 6 of the Rules
15.9. Predictions about interactive hockey
15.9.1. All types and kinds of Predictions accepted on hockey matches are also accepted on interactive hockey (NHL computer game) matches. Settlement rules correspond to the rules for the settlement of hockey Predictions (Clause 7 of the Rules).
15.10. Predictions on interactive basketball
15.10.1. All types and kinds of bets accepted on basketball matches are also accepted on Predictions on interactive basketball (NBA computer game) matches. Settlement rules correspond to the rules for the settlement of basketball Predictions (Clause 8 of these Rules).
15.11. Predictions about Rainbow Six Siege
15.11.1. Match format:- one map match, where the game continues until 7 wins by rounds (draw in case of a 6:6 score)- 3 and 5 map matches, where in the event of a 6:6 score extra rounds are assigned to determine the winner.
15.11.2. The match is considered to have started after the first Frag.
15.11.3. A change in the number of players or their substitution on teams (because a player was disconnected from the server due to a DDoS attack, etc.) shall not be considered grounds for cancelling Predictions.
15.12. Predictions about StarCraft II
15.12.1. StarCraft II match Predictions are accepted on the map winner and match winner.
15.13. Predictions on Rocket League
15.13.1. Rocket League events are carried out in the Random Battle mode.
15.13.2. Predictions are only made about regular time (no overtime), unless otherwise stated.
15.13.3. Match format:- two teams, 3x3;- regular match time: 5 minutes;- mode — Soccar (football).
15.13.4. The team that scores the most goals in regular time is considered the winner.
15.14. Predictions on Valorant
15.14.1. The Frag total is calculated according to the number of player characters killed.
15.14.2. Predictions on "Spike planted" with the options ("Yes" / "No"). This prediction wins if the selected team plants a spike in a certain round. If the spike is planted after the end of the round, the "Spike planted — No" prediction wins.
15.14.3. Predictions on "Spike defused" with the options ("Yes" / "No"). This prediction wins if the spike is defused by one of the teams in a certain round.
15.14.4. In the event of a draw (12:12), overtime is set for 2 additional rounds. An overtime win is awarded to the first team to win two out of two rounds. In the case of a draw (13:13) after overtime, two additional rounds shall be played. Predictions are settled taking into account all rounds played.
15.14.5. In some cases, the final match score may be recorded as equal (a draw) in accordance with the rules of the tournament or by decision of a panel of judges.
15.14.6. If one of the teams cannot continue playing for any reason which results in a technical defeat, while the map has started, but less than 12 rounds have been played, then all predictions made about the maps and the match are subject to cancellation, except for predictions on events that already took place.If more than 12 rounds were played on the map, then predictions on the map are settled (the winning team gets points up to 13 (if the game was interrupted in overtime, then up to 14, 15, etc.)). The number of points of the losing team matches the number fixed at the time the game was stopped.If the match is interrupted during the game on the first map, then predictions made about the handicap and Total maps in the match are subject to cancellation, and predictions on winning the match are settled in the usual way.The end time of the last round, after which the event was interrupted, is considered the end time of the match, and all predictions made later are subject to cancellation.
15.14.7. If the player cannot play on the map, while the game on the map has not started (not a single Frag has been recorded), or the player has played less than half (the number of rounds played is divided by the number of rounds played on the map), then predictions accepted on such player are subject to cancellation.
15.14.8. A match is considered to have started when the first Frag is made in the pistol round.
15.14.9. If there is a change in the match format (the number of maps, rounds, etc.), predictions are subject to cancellation, except for predictions made on completed positions.
15.14.10. Predictions placed on specific maps are subject to cancellation only if not a single round was played on them.
15.14.11. A server restart following a technical malfunction that requires a simulation of the map exactly at the time of the restart and a change of the round or map score cannot be considered as grounds for the cancellation of predictions.
15.14.12. Frags after the end of the round are counted as during the round.
15.14.13. Suicide and friendly kills of players do not count as Frags in the round.
16.1. Other types where matches are held based on a fixed number of games, frames, etc. Handicap and Total in billiard games are calculated by frames. In cases where a participant has failed to complete a match (for any reason), that player is given a loss in all remaining games. In darts, the handicap and Total in a match in setless format are calculated by the number of legs. By the number of sets in matches with sets. In a game of bowls, the Total and handicap are calculated based on the number of sets in the match, including an additional end. In badminton matches with limited time, the winner is the player with the highest score, or a draw is declared if the score is equal. The match is not considered interrupted and all Predictions are settled based on the condition at the time the match ends (if the limit timer is working).
16.2. Cycling sports. Predictions on individual stages can be placed after they actually begin or before the time indicated in Pre-match, but no later than 1 (one) hour before the stage winner reaches the finish.
16.3. Predictions on American football and lacrosse are accepted with additional time (overtime) taken into account.
16.4. Predictions on handball, netball, futsal, water polo, rugby, Rugby Union, rugby league, beach football, field hockey, floorball, Australian football, Gaelic football, showball and other sports not specified in the Rules are accepted based only on regular time, if not stated otherwise. In handball, if the "Mercy Rule" is used (if one team reaches 15 points after the 1st half and onwards, the match stops) Predictions are settled according to the score. All Predictions on handball are settled without a 7-metre throw series, unless otherwise stated. In handball statistics Predictions, a straight red card is not taken into account as a two-minute penalty.
16.5. Boxing and martial arts. A point-based win is a win awarded at the end of a full fight. The total in boxing and martial arts is the number of rounds that have begun. An ahead-of-time win is considered a win by a knockout, technical win, win awarded as a result of the opponent being disqualified, a choking or submission move, the fight being stopped by a doctor or the opponent refusing to continue the fight. In Predictions on a win by knockout, technical knockouts are also counted. If the fight is declared no contest due to an injury, disqualification of one of the fighters or for other reasons (removal for passivity, disruption of the fight due to disorder, weather conditions, etc.), then the Game Coupons of Predictions made on such an event are subject to push.
16.5.1. Fight results and statistics in boxing are determined by the results on the site The results of UFC fights and statistics are determined based on information posted on, and in all other cases, from the official website of the organisation under the auspices of which the fights are held. In the event that the regulations (number of rounds) are amended, the Game Coupons of proposition Predictions accepted are pushed.
16.5.2. Handicap in professional boxing and martial arts – scorecards are counted at the end of a full fight. Handicap in amateur boxing is settled by the final fight score provided in the official tournament sources. In the event of an early end of the fight, the Game Coupons of Predictions accepted for a handicap are subject to push.
16.5.3. In Predictions on a win by split decision, the majority decision of the judges is also taken into account.
16.5.4. An extra round declared to determine the winner is not taken into account when settling Predictions on the match or statistical metrics. Predictions on the bonus and best performance of the night are settled separately. The bonus Prediction wins if the fighter earns the Performance of the Night reward. Predictions are settled based on data from the official UFC website and
16.5.5. In playoff tournaments, the winner is determined on the basis of official fight results. A player's advancement through the bracket due to other factors is considered an additional Prediction and is settled separately.
16.5.6. Predictions on matches are settled according to the official results. Official match results are those which are announced in the ring (for MMA, in the octagon/cage) and reported in official information sources. In the event of a revision of match results based on the disqualification of one of the athletes or any other sanctions, Predictions on an event with the participation of such athlete shall not be subject to cancellation.
16.5.7. Predictions placed on the Total number of minutes take into account the actual time of the fight.
16.6. Chess. Predictions on the result of a game are settled based on the official score of the specific game, and bets on the result of the match are settled based on the total score of all the games which make up the match.
16.6.1. In a game, the player playing with white is indicated in the first position, regardless of where the game is being held.
16.6.2. If the start of a game is delayed or a game is adjourned for any reason, all Predictions remain in effect until the end of the game or tournament.
16.6.3. If several participants share first place at the end of the tournament and a tiebreaker was not held to determine a single winner, and no single winner was determined based on other metrics, then Clause 5.5 of these Rules shall be used to settle Predictions on the winner.
16.6.4. In the event of a draw in an Armageddon match, Predictions made about the player with the black pieces win.
16.6.5. The match move total is the number of moves by white pieces.
16.7. Snooker and billiard. Handicaps and Total bets in snooker and billiard games are calculated by frames.
16.7.1. In cases where a participant has failed to complete a match (for any reason), that player is given a loss in all remaining games.
16.8. Pool 9 (9-ball). If no ball was potted at the break, the total number of balls is considered to be zero.
16.8.1. If no ball was potted, the Predictions will be as follows:- 'Black ball potted at the break – Yes' – loss;- 'Odd numbered ball potted at the break – Yes' – loss;- 'Even numbered ball potted at the break – No' – win;- 'Odd numbered ball potted at the break – No' – win.
16.8.2. The "Number 9 is potted in a corner pocket" Prediction is settled after the 9 ball is potted by a correct strike or the first strike.
16.8.3. The frame is considered a break and run out, if the player made the initial strike without any rule violations, and if the same player completes the frame in their favour by completing a series of strikes and potting the 9 ball in any pocket.
16.9. Sumo. Sumo Predictions are settled according to the same rules as boxing and martial arts settlements.
17.1. Top scorer. The top scorer is the player who scores the most goals in regular time and extra time. Post-match penalties and own goals do not count. The criteria for determining the top scorer of a tournament or team if the goals scored are equal are:
17.1.1. The greater number of goals scored at a later stage (for example, in the finals, semi-finals, etc.).
17.1.2. If the players or teams are still tied after considering Clause 15.1.1 of these Rules, the advantage is given to the player or team with the most shots on target.
17.1.3. If after considering Clauses 15.1.1 and 15.1.2 of these Rules the players or teams are still tied, the advantage is given to the player or team who spent the least time on the pitch.
17.2. Top assistant. The top assistant is the player with the most assists in regular and extra time. The criteria for determining the top assistant of a tournament or team if the number of goal assists is equal:
17.2.1. The greater number of goal assists at a later stage (for example, in the finals, semi-finals, etc.).
17.2.2. If according to Clause 15.2.1 of these Rules the players or teams are still tied, the advantage is given to the player or team who spent the least time on the pitch.
17.3. In Predictions on "Who will score more", only goals scored in regular and extra time are counted. Identical metrics are counted as a draw.
17.4. In "H2H" Predictions, the team higher at the end of a certain section of the championship or the entire championship must be predicted when compared to their opponent.They are settled based on the following criteria (in descending order of significance):1. Tournament stage where a team was knocked out.2. Team place in the group.3. Team goals scored.In the event these criteria are equal between the compared teams, the Game Coupons of Predictions made about the teams are subject to push.
17.5. "Best team [country] Prediction (e.g. "Best team in Europe (UEFA)"). This Prediction is settled in accordance with Clause 15.4 of these Rules.
17.6. Predictions on number of medals in the Olympic Games. The final result of the number of medals is determined based on data from the official website of the Olympic Games when the closing ceremony begins.If more than one country has the same number of gold medals, the winner shall be the country with more silver medals.If more than one country has the same number of gold and silver medals, the winner shall be the country with more bronze medals.